[LIMINADE] 2. Trainspotting. On waiting as transformation.
From my Substack: Liminade. This edition is a meditation on the liminal theme of: waiting.
Letter from Future You: A Simple Tool for Reimagining Your Life
How do you imagine your best life? Fake it til you make it, goes the classic aphorism — the idea that “acting as if” you are the person you want to be can help make it be so, make it be true.
First Days as a Nomad Creative
These first days and weeks are about getting my sea legs as a nomad —acclimating, soaking up environments and beauty, and getting some holiday rest after a busy few transitional months moving and such prior to leaving for the trip.
Of homes and passages or, an update of sorts.
Macro and micro reflections on how powerful the forces of "home" are on human beings — what and where we call home, where we find home, and the homes that we carry in our hearts.
Story Laundering, or How to Get Out of Your Own Head to Tell Better Stories
How often do we tell and retell stories of our lives — in the same ways, again and again?
PRFAQ is a Design Tool
Let’s turn a business document into a design tool! Use it in your own toolkit — or to help build a design-as-partner culture at your company.